OUTFLOW out-flow (out-flo) n. 1. the act of flowing out. 2. that which flows out. 3. any outward movement.
The outflow of God's grace and mercy is a light that shines out of darkness. It is the light that has shined in our hearts to give us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 4:6). In other words, the light of God's mercy and grace is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ! In John 8:12, Jesus declared, "I AM the light of the world!" That Light has now come to dwell in those of us who have believed on Him, and He manifests His mercy and grace through each of us. We are no longer our own, but we have been purchased by Christ and are now children of light, and the light of Christ outflows from us as a lamp that is set upon a hill; we cannot be hidden! Instead, we shine as a beacon of hope, looking like a cross to a dying humanity.
©2010 Richard L. Jones
Acts 17 Apologetics Video at Arab Festival 2010: Nabeel and Paul's Arrest in Dearborn
The video doesn't lie. But the Dearborn, MI police seem to think they can lie about violating the civil rights of Christians who have a Constitutional right to be on a public sidewalk and share their faith. Sharia Law has come to America.
Acts 17 Apologetics Ministries Video of Arrest at 2010 Arab Festival
I thank God that Acts 17 got their camera equioment back. It shows Dearborn Police violated the civil rights of Negeen, the young lady who was video recording the Acts 17 team giving out copies of the gospel of John.
An Open Message To Dearborn Police Chief
We as Christians must stand together with Acts 17 Apologetics ministries by praying for their equipment to be returned unadulterated, and for complete justice regarding Chief Haddad's gross violation of Acts 17 Apologetics' constitutional rights. If we do not stand together as Christians in a (supposed) free society, then we will all eventually be subject to the same oppression that was perpetrated in Dearborn, MI by the Dearborn Police Department.
Outflow - Justice, Truth, Liberty, and Righteousness For All Men
OUTFLOW out-flow (out-flo) n. 1. the act of flowing out. 2. that which flows out. 3. any outward movement.
The outflow of a free and sovereign nation must be justice, truth, and liberty to all who dwell therein. To take away any one of those three things will ultimately put people in bondage to the will of those who rule over them. The outflow of God's sovereign kingdom is justice, truth, liberty, and righteousness. All who dwell therein freely submit their will to the will of Him who loves us and who gave His only begotten Son to die on a cross for us; that we would take on His righteousness and walk in the fullness of His justice, truth, and liberty, living in bondage to no man.
©2010 Richard L. Jones
The outflow of a free and sovereign nation must be justice, truth, and liberty to all who dwell therein. To take away any one of those three things will ultimately put people in bondage to the will of those who rule over them. The outflow of God's sovereign kingdom is justice, truth, liberty, and righteousness. All who dwell therein freely submit their will to the will of Him who loves us and who gave His only begotten Son to die on a cross for us; that we would take on His righteousness and walk in the fullness of His justice, truth, and liberty, living in bondage to no man.
©2010 Richard L. Jones
Outflow - Freedom From Religious Works
OUTFLOW out-flow (out-flo) n. 1. the act of flowing out. 2. that which flows out. 3. any outward movement.
Living in bondage to religious works is one of the greatest hinderances to the outflow of God's kingdom through a believer. Religious works are merely works of the flesh that try, in a vain attempt, to earn God's favor. Yet when we come to realize that God's unmerited favor is in us because of His grace, we are set free to exhibit the reign of God in our lives through the works He has prepared beforehand for us to walk in. We then walk in this world as Christ walked. We are seen by others as living oracles of God, epistles read by all men. And religious works pale by comparison.
©2010 Richard L. Jones
Living in bondage to religious works is one of the greatest hinderances to the outflow of God's kingdom through a believer. Religious works are merely works of the flesh that try, in a vain attempt, to earn God's favor. Yet when we come to realize that God's unmerited favor is in us because of His grace, we are set free to exhibit the reign of God in our lives through the works He has prepared beforehand for us to walk in. We then walk in this world as Christ walked. We are seen by others as living oracles of God, epistles read by all men. And religious works pale by comparison.
©2010 Richard L. Jones
More Video From Acts 17 at Islamic Festival in Dearborn
Evidently the U.S. Constitution does not apply to Dearborn, MI
Christians Persecuted in Dearborn by Muslims at Islamic Street Festival
This doesn't really surprise me at all. This is nothing compared to the persecutions that are coming upon the Church in the U.S.
Letter to A Reluctant Prophet
- by Chip Brogden
Dear Friend,
It is with a certain fearfulness that I respond to your inquiry, for I am not an authority on such things. I can certainly relate to your reluctance at being identified among the company of the prophets when so many false apostles, prophets, and teachers abound. I wish I could point you in a proper direction, but I can only point you towards the Lord. It is He who selects His messengers, and I have nothing to offer you by way of what to do.
At most, perhaps you can look upon me as an example of what NOT to do, and take some word of counsel from a weak brother who has made many mistakes and endured many failures along the way. Perhaps you too will have to make even the same mistakes in order to learn, yet following my advice could perhaps help you to avoid the unnecessary heartache and cruelty inflicted upon yourself and others when thinking that you are doing God a service.
I would counsel you, first of all, to be a Christian. Do not spend too much time focused on that which is prophetic. Do not come to others as a prophet, but as a child. Let Christ be your obsession, not the prophetic word. For “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” There need not be turmoil in your heart about your calling; it is clear that you are among those that are “the Called, according to His purpose.” And what is His purpose? That you be “conformed to the image of His dear Son.” That, above all, is your first calling.
Many are eager to wear the Prophet’s mantle, but are reluctant to bear the Christian’s cross. This cannot be. Given the choice between Christian or Prophet, choose Christian. Serve God as the earthen vessel you are, in the place you find yourself to be. Perhaps the Lord will indeed use you in some prophetic way, but if not then at least you have been faithful with the “one talent” you have been given. God will not give five talents to those who cannot be faithful with one, and will not give ten to those who cannot be faithful with five.
If you are a Christian first you will remember that you should walk softly, with meekness and humility, while esteeming others as better than yourself. Then the prophetic word, when and if it comes, will be seasoned with the appropriate amounts of mercy and grace. Remember that without love you will inevitably become as sounding brass – all judgment. If we cannot or will not stay in Love, God will set out to humble us shamefully before our brothers and sisters that we may know the depths of our hypocrisy and self-righteousness. That is evidence of HIS great love for all of us.
Now, concerning the prophetic word itself. God will give you the “what”, but the “when” and the “how” are left up to you. “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” You can be right on target with the “what”, but if you screw up the “when”, and especially the “how”, you do yourself and others unnecessary harm.
Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you (this speaks of RESTRAINT on the way WE want to go) and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” What then? He gives us liberty to speak, but allows us to suffer for speaking out of ourselves. He bids us to be restrained, to take our liberty and give it back to Him, knowing that we can do nothing of ourselves. He does not force us to wear the yoke, but invites us saying “take My yoke.” By giving up our freedom, we will receive it again.
No, we cannot just do what Jesus did, because Jesus bore the yoke of His Father at all times. We cast off the yoke so quickly. We are untrustworthy, but He is faithful. Let us not just imitate Him, but let us learn of Him. Let us not only be familiar with His Word, but let us become acquainted with His Ways. It is not enough to memorize what He said, we must take His yoke upon us and walk in tandem with Him.
Since Christ bids us to “learn of ME”, beware of those who will try to gain access into your life with an inordinate desire to mentor or shepherd you. We may certainly seek the advice, prayers, and counsel of other mature believers. Even the little children in the Kingdom of God can teach us much. But people can only carry us so far, and there is a certain human pride which results in the teachers trying to form the students into their own image. This will not do. The Anointing, Who is the Christ, will teach you all things. His Spirit will lead you into all Truth. His grace is sufficient. There is no man or woman who can give you anything apart from what you have already in Jesus, for we have been “blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ”.
Do you see dear friend, that God is more concerned with the messenger than the message? Do you see that the minister is more important than the ministry? If the messenger is wrong, the message will be wrong too. If the minister is wrong, the ministry will be wrong. And do you see that the Lord of the work is more important than the work of the Lord? Meditate on these things.
There really is no famine of the Word of God. If God is able to find the right vessel the Word will come forth in abundance. Therefore, He takes much time to mold, fashion, train, refine, purge, break down, build up, discipline and create His prophets. Yield to that process. It cannot be rushed, but it may certainly be hindered. We cannot force the Spirit, but we may certainly quench Him.
Ah, your gifts are given to you in a moment’s time, but your fruit, your character, YOU, develops over many seasons of God’s dealings. Do not be thrilled with your gifts, only observe if you are fruitful in Spirit, bearing much fruit, abounding in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, and self-control. You can be sure that there are more gifted people in the world than you, yet the fruit is what will remain when the gifts pass away. Never neglect the place of abiding in Him, and you will remain a fruitful branch in the Vine.
Expect misunderstanding. Expect persecution. Expect ridicule. Expect mistreatment. Expect suffering. Expect rejection. Then, you won’t be surprised when it comes. And when it comes, shut your mouth, go to the cross, and die so you can live. Learn to kiss the hands that nail you to the cross, for as you are decreased, He is increased. It is not a better living we need, but a better dying. We cannot reach Pentecost but by way of Passover. There can be no resurrection without a crucifixion. There is no crown without a cross. To live, is Christ: to die is gain.
So if you want to boast, take pride in the things that make you weak, for when you are weak, you are strong – in Him. Be afraid of the praise and acceptance of others, for they are the fertilizer for the self-important and grandiose thoughts that are yours by nature anyway, which spring up in the shallow ground of your carnal mind. Carry about the Death of the Lord so you may have the Life of the Lord. Be ready to suffer with Him, that you may reign with Him.
And now, some practical advice:
As much as possible, stay away from money. Freely you have received, freely give.
Have no part in foolish and unlearned questions, either in the asking of them or in the answering of them. Give up your opinions and go to the cross.
Refuse to promote yourself, “your” word, or “your” ministry. If God gives you something to say, let Him see to the promotion of it.
The loftiest spiritual service will never take away from the most mundane earthly responsibility. Take care of your family, your pet, your lawn, your business, your neighbor. Keep your teeth brushed and your hair combed.
Don’t be afraid to make tents. If you want to eat, work.
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
Before, you would never apologize even when you knew you were wrong. Now, be willing to apologize even when you know you are right.
This is my counsel, dear friend, and perhaps something I have said in this brief letter will bear witness with you. With these words then, I commit you to the care of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is able to complete the work which He has begun in you and see you through to maturity, as you are rooted and grounded in Him, being thoroughly equipped and strengthened by His Might which works in those who have taken up the cross to find power in weakness.
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Dear Friend,
It is with a certain fearfulness that I respond to your inquiry, for I am not an authority on such things. I can certainly relate to your reluctance at being identified among the company of the prophets when so many false apostles, prophets, and teachers abound. I wish I could point you in a proper direction, but I can only point you towards the Lord. It is He who selects His messengers, and I have nothing to offer you by way of what to do.
At most, perhaps you can look upon me as an example of what NOT to do, and take some word of counsel from a weak brother who has made many mistakes and endured many failures along the way. Perhaps you too will have to make even the same mistakes in order to learn, yet following my advice could perhaps help you to avoid the unnecessary heartache and cruelty inflicted upon yourself and others when thinking that you are doing God a service.
I would counsel you, first of all, to be a Christian. Do not spend too much time focused on that which is prophetic. Do not come to others as a prophet, but as a child. Let Christ be your obsession, not the prophetic word. For “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” There need not be turmoil in your heart about your calling; it is clear that you are among those that are “the Called, according to His purpose.” And what is His purpose? That you be “conformed to the image of His dear Son.” That, above all, is your first calling.
Many are eager to wear the Prophet’s mantle, but are reluctant to bear the Christian’s cross. This cannot be. Given the choice between Christian or Prophet, choose Christian. Serve God as the earthen vessel you are, in the place you find yourself to be. Perhaps the Lord will indeed use you in some prophetic way, but if not then at least you have been faithful with the “one talent” you have been given. God will not give five talents to those who cannot be faithful with one, and will not give ten to those who cannot be faithful with five.
If you are a Christian first you will remember that you should walk softly, with meekness and humility, while esteeming others as better than yourself. Then the prophetic word, when and if it comes, will be seasoned with the appropriate amounts of mercy and grace. Remember that without love you will inevitably become as sounding brass – all judgment. If we cannot or will not stay in Love, God will set out to humble us shamefully before our brothers and sisters that we may know the depths of our hypocrisy and self-righteousness. That is evidence of HIS great love for all of us.
Now, concerning the prophetic word itself. God will give you the “what”, but the “when” and the “how” are left up to you. “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” You can be right on target with the “what”, but if you screw up the “when”, and especially the “how”, you do yourself and others unnecessary harm.
Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you (this speaks of RESTRAINT on the way WE want to go) and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” What then? He gives us liberty to speak, but allows us to suffer for speaking out of ourselves. He bids us to be restrained, to take our liberty and give it back to Him, knowing that we can do nothing of ourselves. He does not force us to wear the yoke, but invites us saying “take My yoke.” By giving up our freedom, we will receive it again.
No, we cannot just do what Jesus did, because Jesus bore the yoke of His Father at all times. We cast off the yoke so quickly. We are untrustworthy, but He is faithful. Let us not just imitate Him, but let us learn of Him. Let us not only be familiar with His Word, but let us become acquainted with His Ways. It is not enough to memorize what He said, we must take His yoke upon us and walk in tandem with Him.
Since Christ bids us to “learn of ME”, beware of those who will try to gain access into your life with an inordinate desire to mentor or shepherd you. We may certainly seek the advice, prayers, and counsel of other mature believers. Even the little children in the Kingdom of God can teach us much. But people can only carry us so far, and there is a certain human pride which results in the teachers trying to form the students into their own image. This will not do. The Anointing, Who is the Christ, will teach you all things. His Spirit will lead you into all Truth. His grace is sufficient. There is no man or woman who can give you anything apart from what you have already in Jesus, for we have been “blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ”.
Do you see dear friend, that God is more concerned with the messenger than the message? Do you see that the minister is more important than the ministry? If the messenger is wrong, the message will be wrong too. If the minister is wrong, the ministry will be wrong. And do you see that the Lord of the work is more important than the work of the Lord? Meditate on these things.
There really is no famine of the Word of God. If God is able to find the right vessel the Word will come forth in abundance. Therefore, He takes much time to mold, fashion, train, refine, purge, break down, build up, discipline and create His prophets. Yield to that process. It cannot be rushed, but it may certainly be hindered. We cannot force the Spirit, but we may certainly quench Him.
Ah, your gifts are given to you in a moment’s time, but your fruit, your character, YOU, develops over many seasons of God’s dealings. Do not be thrilled with your gifts, only observe if you are fruitful in Spirit, bearing much fruit, abounding in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, and self-control. You can be sure that there are more gifted people in the world than you, yet the fruit is what will remain when the gifts pass away. Never neglect the place of abiding in Him, and you will remain a fruitful branch in the Vine.
Expect misunderstanding. Expect persecution. Expect ridicule. Expect mistreatment. Expect suffering. Expect rejection. Then, you won’t be surprised when it comes. And when it comes, shut your mouth, go to the cross, and die so you can live. Learn to kiss the hands that nail you to the cross, for as you are decreased, He is increased. It is not a better living we need, but a better dying. We cannot reach Pentecost but by way of Passover. There can be no resurrection without a crucifixion. There is no crown without a cross. To live, is Christ: to die is gain.
So if you want to boast, take pride in the things that make you weak, for when you are weak, you are strong – in Him. Be afraid of the praise and acceptance of others, for they are the fertilizer for the self-important and grandiose thoughts that are yours by nature anyway, which spring up in the shallow ground of your carnal mind. Carry about the Death of the Lord so you may have the Life of the Lord. Be ready to suffer with Him, that you may reign with Him.
And now, some practical advice:
As much as possible, stay away from money. Freely you have received, freely give.
Have no part in foolish and unlearned questions, either in the asking of them or in the answering of them. Give up your opinions and go to the cross.
Refuse to promote yourself, “your” word, or “your” ministry. If God gives you something to say, let Him see to the promotion of it.
The loftiest spiritual service will never take away from the most mundane earthly responsibility. Take care of your family, your pet, your lawn, your business, your neighbor. Keep your teeth brushed and your hair combed.
Don’t be afraid to make tents. If you want to eat, work.
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
Before, you would never apologize even when you knew you were wrong. Now, be willing to apologize even when you know you are right.
This is my counsel, dear friend, and perhaps something I have said in this brief letter will bear witness with you. With these words then, I commit you to the care of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is able to complete the work which He has begun in you and see you through to maturity, as you are rooted and grounded in Him, being thoroughly equipped and strengthened by His Might which works in those who have taken up the cross to find power in weakness.
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
Last month, the Be-A-Voice Network asked you to pray for a group of Laotian Christians who were expelled from Katin village. When the Christians refused to renounce their faith, local authorities forced them to walk six kilometers outside the village, where they were abandoned without food or shelter.
VOM contacts now report that these believers need our urgent prayer. On March 15, seven Katin believers were summoned to the district office of Ta-Oyl district. The district head of Ta-Oyl, Mr. Bounma, urged the seven believers to reconsider their decision to follow the Christian faith. When the Christians again refused to renounce their faith, the district head stated that although the Lao constitution and law provide for freedom of religion in Laos, he is not going to allow Christianity in his district. The district head was adamant that if the Katin believers refuse to give up their Christian faith, they will be forced to move to districts that tolerate Christianity. The Katin believers later learned that the officials plan to burn down their temporary shelters along with 11 temporary homes under construction at the site where they were taken on Jan. 10.
Please pray for these believers as authorities continue to threaten their lives and belongings. Pray for their safety and health; many are sick and in need of medical treatment.
VOM contacts now report that these believers need our urgent prayer. On March 15, seven Katin believers were summoned to the district office of Ta-Oyl district. The district head of Ta-Oyl, Mr. Bounma, urged the seven believers to reconsider their decision to follow the Christian faith. When the Christians again refused to renounce their faith, the district head stated that although the Lao constitution and law provide for freedom of religion in Laos, he is not going to allow Christianity in his district. The district head was adamant that if the Katin believers refuse to give up their Christian faith, they will be forced to move to districts that tolerate Christianity. The Katin believers later learned that the officials plan to burn down their temporary shelters along with 11 temporary homes under construction at the site where they were taken on Jan. 10.
Please pray for these believers as authorities continue to threaten their lives and belongings. Pray for their safety and health; many are sick and in need of medical treatment.
Email From John Peel - PRAY!!!
From: John and Jan Peel
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 16:46
Subject: New Level Of Violence In Our City
Last night the militia belonging to one of the cartels, moved into our city of Miguel Aleman, across from Roma, Tx., attacked the city's police dept killing approx a half dozen of them and beheading them. Most of the policemen surrendered quickly and were handcuffed or tied up and kidnapped. Others are thought to have escaped across the river into the US. City Hall has been taken over by these pirates and all the elected officials are under house arrest. All 27 public schools are shut down as well as the private ones. I just came back across to Roma for the 2nd time today, but my experience on the streets of my city of Miguel Aleman has been erie to say the least. At this time the strong military presence in town is not moving and I was informed that they are awaiting a large military contingency with even aircraft cover, to take the city back and enforce the rule of law. The big fire-fight is yet in the making.
Prayer requests: (1.) As an organization, we are being told by the Spirit to move quickly. I have spoken to the owner of the powerful, secular radio station in Miguel Aleman concerning daily time to minister the Gospel to the fearful and the needy... we are presently waiting for his response in the next several hours (2.) As soon as we get radio time, we sense that the Lord would have us begin a early evening evangelistic service at the Dream Center, 7 nights per week. (3) Because there is tremendous physical hunger in the city, we will operate a soup kitchen at the Dream Center two meals per day, seven days per week. (4.) that the Lord would supply every person, His holy gifts, to make all this happen on such short notice and that the Lord would provide for the resources to meet every need.
That the light of His love would shine so strongly and that the prophetic Word given numerous times that this would be a Storehouse of His Glory would now be birthed in the middle of chaos and destruction. Aleluya!!!!!!!!!
John Peel
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