If we want a true outflow from God, then we must let our petitions and prayers flow out of a thankful heart to Him who sits on the Throne of Grace. And as long as we ask within the boundries of His will, He hears us and gives us what we ask for. John Wesley once said, "God can do nothing in the earth, except a man pray." All we need is to pray with the faith of a tiny mustard seed and God can do BIG things! He wants to outflow a great awakening in the Earth like never before. So pray and believe!
©2008 Richard Jones
This is the ONLY answer to America's moral freefall and seemingly insurmountable political problems! Why, oh why, aren't the Shepherds (Pastors and Priests) in this nation calling this nation to repentance as the Bibical guidelines so obviously show throughout scripture in the Old and New Testaments???Have they no Respect/Fear of the Almighty for the offices they hold and the duties they have to their congregations???
As an under shepherd of the Lord Jesus Christ, one of my greatest responsibilities is to call people to repentance, not to a feel-good, "what about me", gospel. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we are to ever see the manifest presence of God, we must repent! We must also come to the revelation of the mystery, that Christ dwells in us, and that He desires to be incarnate through us so that others know the hope of glory. Today's Christians seem to be a mile wide and an inch deep. Yet the love of God is infinite in its hight, width, depth, and breadth. In order to explore the infinite fullness of that love we must start at the place called repentance. Only then can we truly begin to let Christ be formed in us.
Is the church not asleep? How will she repent until first she is woken up? There have been great awakenings in our history such as NYC in 1859. Come LORD Jesus, visit us again!
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